To contact us
We need you to continue !
If you love what we do and want to support us, there are so many ways to do so!

1 - Follow & support our initiative
Follow us and share your motivation with us and your friends through your social networks and by email! You become part of our great community of fans by showing your support. And we love our community.
2 - Discover our products
Our first books that tell the first adventure are already on sale, and our films are also available: find online short films on this site, and buy DVDs of feature films that have been shown on several TV channels.
To help us and discover our action in detail - and who knows, re-motivate yourself - leaf through our books, and don't forget to bring my books with you when you meet us, let us sign them for you!
3 - Contribute
We are an association non-profit, and everything you see is only done on a voluntary basis. For this, we use all our free time, all our savings and have taken time off from our jobs. The beneficiaries (researchers and teachers) do NOT pay for our work, we just depend on private sponsors.
With your help, we can change the world! Even a few euros really support us and invite us to continue.
If you want to become a great contributor, TAX REDUCTIONS are possible, and a COMMUNICATION PLAN is available and can be adapted to meet your needs. Contact us for more information.