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Pakistani stopover
After India, it's time for PAKISTAN ! After some military troubles at the airport due to immigration issues, we are finally wonderfully...

Water Festival in Yangoon !
We land in Rangoon, where the authorities welcome us in a vey friendly english. While we wait for the visa, they make some jokes and...

Change of plans, part II
Again, time to adapt our plans to the reality ! We wanted to go to Chittagong in Bangladesh to meet the NGO Friendship, but the french...

Icelandic Volcanologic mission
Do you remember the second mission of Wings for Science? We were in Iceland to 3d-model the volcanic island of Surtsey, which went out of...

Countdown before the official round-the-world-trip departure
Today is the eve of the big day: after our test mission in Vanuatu, then our first mission at home, we will officially take off from the...

Luxembourgish Mission against air pollution
New mission for Wings for Science: For the geography department of the University of Luxembourg, we are in charge of making a 3d model of...

Encounter with our new home :)
Hello, welcome in Ajdovscina, in Slovenia ! Here, in the PIPISTREL factory, we come to try out the aircraft that was manufactured and...

Test of the survival gear
That's it, we finally receive our survival equipment, from our sponsor ZODIAC AEROSPACE! It's time to test it in real conditions. For the...

Happy new year !
In 2011, ORA and its partners have discovered two gallo-roman villas, have innovated in geo-modelising the yasur volcano, and have sent 8...

3 scientific publications in an international research journal
Hello everyone ! The data acquired during our 3d modeling campaign in Vanuatu were analyzed and are now the subject of not one, not two,...

Thanks to our students and copilots on the ground !
The high school students who follow us can finally take a little rest! Indeed, every day they prepared weather reports worthy of real...

Start of the numerical work
That's it, we return to Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu, where we will find computers and enough electricity to start the work of...

1st flight campaign
Yippee! After 4 days of intensive flights, avoiding volcanic bombs and holding our breath (and crossing our fingers for the engine) each...

Short setback
That night some birds decided to make their nest in the engine.... suddenly the 1st flight is delayed, and Clem has designated herself to...

Objective in sight
That's it, we landed on the island yesterday, after a wonderful flight between the islands of Vanuatu! Tomorrow, we will take off again...

Arrival at port-vila : getting closer !
Finally arrived in Port-Vila! We spent yesterday in Noumea in transit, and met a ni-van (inhabitant of Vanuatu) who studies volcanoes,...

Here we go !
That's it, the project is finally starting! We both took a sabbatical month, we can now take the airliner tomorrow morning to reach New...

Archeological discovery !
Who knew that, even in France, you can still discover archaeological remains ? And how would it be possible? It took us a good dose of...
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